inn.conf - Configuration data for InterNetNews programs
## $Id$ ## ## inn.conf -- INN configuration data ## ## Format: ## <parameter>:<whitespace><value> ## ## Blank values are allowed for certain parameters. ## ## See the inn.conf(5) man page for a full description of each of these ## options. This sample file is divided into two sections; first, there ## are the parameters that must be set (or should be set in nearly all ## cases), and then all parameters are given with their defaults for ## reference in the same order and with the same organization as the ## inn.conf(5) documentation. # The following parameters are most likely to need setting, although the # defaults generated by configure may be reasonable. mta: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi -oem %s organization: Unknownovmethod: tradindexed pathhost: news pathnews: /usr/local/news # General Settings domain: innflags: mailcmd: /usr/local/news/bin/innmail server: # Feed Configuration artcutoff: 60 bindaddress: hiscachesize: 256
ignorenewsgroups: false immediatecancel: false linecountfuzz: 0 maxartsize: 500000 maxconnections: 50 pathalias: pgpverify: false port: 119 refusecybercancels: false remembertrash: true sourceaddress: usecontrolchan: false verifycancels: false wanttrash: false wipcheck: 5 wipexpire: 10 # Article Storage cnfscheckfudgesize: 0 enableoverview: true groupbaseexpiry: true mergetogroups: false overcachesize: 15 ovgrouppat: storeonxref: false useoverchan: false wireformat: false xrefslave: false # Reading allownewnews: true articlemmap: false clienttimeout: 600 nnrpdcheckart: true nnrpperlauth: false nnrppythonauth: false noreader: false readerswhenstopped: false readertrack: false # Reading -- Keyword Support # # Enabling this without stopping innd and deleting the existing overview # database and adding will probably confuse a lot of things. You must # have compiled this support in too. keywords: false keyartlimit: 100000 keylimit: 512 keymaxwords: 250 # Posting addnntppostingdate: true addnntppostinghost: true checkincludedtext: false complaints: fromhost: localmaxartsize: 500000 moderatormailer: nnrpdauthsender: false nnrpdposthost: nnrpdpostport: 119 spoolfirst: false strippostcc: false # Posting -- Exponential Backoff backoffauth: false backoffdb: backoffk: 1 backoffpostfast: 0 backoffpostslow: 1 backofftrigger: 10000 # Monitoring doinnwatch: true innwatchbatchspace: 800 innwatchlibspace: 25000 innwatchloload: 1000 innwatchhiload: 2000 innwatchpauseload: 1500 innwatchsleeptime: 600 innwatchspoolnodes: 200 innwatchspoolspace: 8000 # Logging docnfsstat: false logartsize: true logcancelcomm: false logcycles: 3 logipaddr: true logsitename: true nnrpdoverstats: false nntpactsync: 200 nntplinklog: false status: 0 timer: 0 # System Tuning badiocount: 5 blockbackoff: 120 chaninacttime: 600 chanretrytime: 300 icdsynccount: 10 maxforks: 10 nicekids: 4 nicenewnews: 0 nicennrpd: 0 pauseretrytime: 300 peertimeout: 3600 rlimitnofile: -1 # Paths patharchive: /usr/local/news/spool/archive patharticles: /usr/local/news/spool/articles pathbin: /usr/local/news/bin pathcontrol: /usr/local/news/bin/control pathdb: /usr/local/news/db pathetc: /usr/local/news/etc pathfilter: /usr/local/news/bin/filter pathhttp: /usr/local/news/log pathincoming: /usr/local/news/spool/incoming pathlog: /usr/local/news/log pathoutgoing: /usr/local/news/spool/outgoing pathoverview: /usr/local/news/spool/overview pathrun: /usr/local/news/run pathspool: /usr/local/news/spool pathtmp: /usr/local/news/tmp
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